Monkeypox information

Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus.

Most cases have been in Africa. The risk of catching monkeypox in the UK is very low.

It’s usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment. Some people can develop more serious symptoms, so patients with monkeypox in the UK are cared for in specialist hospitals.

What is the risk of catching monkeypox in the UK?

There have been 3 cases of monkeypox in the UK in September 2018. The first two were in people who had travelled from Africa.

The third person was a healthcare worker who cared for one of the two first cases. The healthcare worker was infected before monkeypox was suspected and special precautions were put in place.

Public Health England has already contacted everyone who was known to be in close contact with the 3 infected people.

If you haven’t been contacted by Public Health England, be reassured you are extremely unlikely to catch monkeypox.

Symptoms of monkeypox

The illness begins with:

  • high temperature
  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • backache
  • swollen glands
  • chills
  • exhaustion

A rash usually begins 1 to 5 days after the first symptoms appear. The spots often start on the face before spreading to other parts of the body.

During the illness the rash changes from raised red bumps, to spots filled with fluid. The spots eventually form scabs which later fall off.

How monkeypox is spread

Monkeypox does not spread easily between people, but it’s possible to catch it from:

  • touching items like clothing, bedding or towels used by an infected person
  • touching monkeypox spots or scabs
  • a person with a monkeypox rash who coughs or sneezes near you

Diagnosis of monkeypox

It’s difficult to know if the infection is monkeypox as it can often be confused with other infections such as chickenpox.

It is diagnosed after an examination by a specialist and testing by Public Health England.

Treating monkeypox

Treatment for monkeypox aims to relieve the symptoms and takes place in specialist hospitals.

Further information

Find more detailed information on monkeypox on GOV.UK.

Volunteer to help create a Fitter Fylde Coast


People living across the Fylde coast have been invited to play a key role in an exciting and unique event taking place later this month.

Organisers of the world record attempt – for the most people exercising to a fitness video at Lytham Festival on Saturday 21 July – need to recruit more than 100 volunteer marshals to make sure the event is a success.

The Fylde coast NHS has joined forces with local authorities including Fylde Council, as well as Lytham Festival organisers Cuffe and Taylor, to hold the event to raise awareness of the need to keep fit while also celebrating the NHS’ 70th birthday.

A six-minute exercise routine has been choreographed and filmed by Blackpool-based Dancing on Ice star Dan Whiston.


Fylde coast GP Dr Tony Naughton, who has been the driving force behind the event, said: “We need volunteers to make sure we break the record while following the rules set by Guinness World Records.

“This means we need a volunteer for every 50 participants who will watch them to make sure they follow the exercise routine to the best of their ability.

“This is a great opportunity for people across the area to become part of the team and to have a key role in breaking the record. All volunteers will receive a medal and recognition of being part of the attempt.”

All volunteers will need to be on the site at Lytham Green on Saturday 21 July from 8am. Everyone will be finished by noon.

Anyone interested in signing up to be a volunteer is asked to visit and fill out the form.



Changes to prescriptions of over-the-counter medicines in Fylde and Wyre


People living in Fylde and Wyre will be unable to receive items such as paracetamol, throat lozenges and dandruff treatments from the NHS from 1 July 2018.

NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has made the change following national guidance from NHS England. The guidance was developed following a 12-week public consultation period.

It means treatments for 35 conditions, most of which will clear up on their own or by using medication available over the counter, must be paid for at a pharmacy, shop or supermarket.

Dr Tony Naughton, clinical chief officer at the CCG and a GP in Thornton, said: “Conditions such as sore throats, infrequent migraines, head lice, conjunctivitis and constipation can be uncomfortable, but are treatable with medication bought from most pharmacies or large shops.

“We understand this change may inconvenience some people who may have previously received medications on prescription but the NHS needs to ensure its limited funds are spent wisely.

“If you are suffering from a minor health complaint and are not sure what to do, there is always the option of going to seek medical advice from your local pharmacist who can also advise on the best treatment you can buy.


“I would also urge everyone to make sure their home medicine cupboard is fully stocked with a range of painkillers, cold remedies, sun cream, anti-diarrhoea tablets, indigestion remedies and a basic first aid kit.”

As part of the national consultation, the CCG promoted a survey produced by NHS England and also asked for feedback from patient groups including patient participation groups (PPGs) at the region’s GP practices and the Influence Panel. The overall local response was in support of making the change.

Once the change comes into effect, it will bring an end to the Pharmacy+ Clinic scheme that had been run across 33 of the region’s pharmacies.

Dr Naughton said: “Pharmacy+ was very successful but was never intended to be a permanent service.

“Having received the national guidance it meant most of the items available via Pharmacy+ were no longer available on prescription so naturally it came to a close.

“Pharmacists do continue to provide a valuable service to patients across Fylde and Wyre and are still able to provide free consultations in private on a drop-in basis and to give medical advice regarding possible treatments.”



  • NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is the organisation responsible for planning and buying health services in the area to meet patients’ needs. This is known as ‘commissioning’.
  • Led by family doctors (GPs), the CCG currently serves a population of 152,000 people across approximately 320 sq km of coast and countryside. The majority live in the urban towns of Fleetwood, Thornton, Poulton-le-Fylde, Kirkham and Lytham St Annes, but a significant proportion live in rural villages.
  • The CCG receives a set amount of money from the government and is committed to spending this wisely for the benefit of local people.
  • Giving you more choice is a priority of the modern NHS. More information is available at
  • The NHS Constitution sets out your rights as an NHS patient:
  • There are many ways to get involved in health service developments, including joining our Influence membership scheme or your practice’s patient participation group.

Sponsorship opportunity – Fylde coast Guinness World Record attempt


To celebrate the NHS’ 70th birthday and to raise awareness of the importance of keeping fit, the Fylde coast NHS has organised a world record attempt.

The attempt, taking place at Lytham Festival on 21 July 2018, will be for the most people exercising to a fitness video in a single location and will require more than 5,000 people on the day.

The event should be a great day out for all with families and children urged to come along and be a record breaker!

However, with events such as this there are costs and the main organiser, NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group, has asked for support from the Fylde coast business community.

A number of sponsorship opportunities are available, such as funding for volunteer tabards or certificates and medals for all that take part. There is also the potential to help with transport from locations that are further away from Lytham.


Businesses are also welcome to organise for groups of staff to take part in the attempt as part of team-building initiatives.

Dr Tony Naughton, clinical chief officer at the CCG, said: “Our event, which we have branded as ‘Fitter Fylde Coast’, could help companies in the area demonstrate their commitment to health and wellbeing.

“We would love to have your support, whatever it may be.

“Our plans to break the world record will be formally launched on Tuesday 29 May and we are expecting significant media attention. Of course any businesses that support us will receive mentions on our social media channels and in publicity about the event.”

Anyone interested in sponsoring, supporting or taking part in this event can contact Amanda Bate at [email protected]


Become a Guinness World Record breaker on the Fylde coast this year!


Dancing on Ice star Daniel Whiston has urged people across the Fylde coast to join him to break a Guinness World Record and promote a ‘fitter Fylde coast’ this summer.

People across the area have been encouraged to bring their children and families to Lytham Festival’s main arena on Lytham Green on the morning of Saturday 21 July to help break the record for the most people exercising to a fitness video. The current record, set in China, stands at 4,814 people.

To help celebrate the 70th birthday of the NHS on 5 July, local doctors have teamed up with Lytham Festival organisers Cuffe & Taylor to hold the attempt in the middle of the Lancashire music festival. Local councils and other organisations including the Blue Skies Foundation have also played a part in organising the record attempt.

To register to take part in the world record attempt, go to

Three-times Dancing on Ice champion and fitness instructor Daniel, who lives in Blackpool and launched his career in the town when he was just seven years old, will be leading the world record attempt from the main stage at Lytham Festival.

Daniel said: “I’m delighted to help the Fylde coast NHS in attempting to break this world record.

“We should be proud of all the NHS does for us and this seems a really good way to celebrate its 70th birthday.

“Exercise is so important for us all and I hope as many people as possible can come and join us on the day. I plan to bring a few well known friends to make this a very special day.”

Daniel has choreographed and filmed a special six-minute exercise video at locations across the Fylde coast and people are encouraged to head to to watch the video and sign up to take part.


He added: “We had a great time filming the video. It’s all disco music in celebration of the fact Nile Rodgers and CHIC are playing at Lytham Festival on the night of the record attempt and, regardless of how fit you are, the routine is suitable for all so sign up and give it a go.”

NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has led on organising the initiative, which is also aimed at bringing local communities together to improve health and wellbeing.

CCG clinical chief officer Dr Tony Naughton, a Thornton GP, said: “Across the country, 40 per cent of children start secondary school overweight and 20 per cent are obese. What we are really keen to do is promote a healthier lifestyle across the Fylde coast so people can start looking after themselves and their loved ones.

“We need to get more than 5,000 people dancing to the video if we are to break the world record so it would be great to see lots of people coming out to support this event. It should be a lot of fun and a great way to celebrate our 70th birthday.

“We want lots of people to come down with their families and children for what will be a great day out. This is an opportunity for your children to be part of a Guinness World Record and to receive a certificate as a special memento.”

Cuffe and Taylor commercial director Jason Cotillard said: “We’re delighted to be working with the NHS on this very exciting world record attempt.

“Lytham Festival provides the perfect venue for this. The video is fantastic with a brilliant soundtrack celebrating the music of Nile Rodgers and CHIC who will be headlining the Festival on the evening of the record attempt.”

The world record attempt for the most people exercising to a fitness video will take place in the main arena at Lytham Festival from 11am on Saturday July 21. To register, visit



Have your say on proposed NHS policies


People living across the Fylde coast have been invited to have their say on proposed policies regarding diabetes and spinal injections.

The three draft policies are for the supply and funding of insulin pumps for people with diabetes, providing continuous monitoring devices for people with diabetes and for spinal injections to manage back pain.

It comes as part of work by the NHS across Lancashire to standardise policies to ensure a consistent and fair approach; update current policies in accordance with National Guidelines and best clinical practice; and to make sure it is using its limited resources to maximum effect.

Along with the other six Lancashire and South Cumbria clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), NHS Blackpool and NHS Fylde and Wyre CCGs are now asking the public to let them know what they think of the proposals.

Full details of the changes can be found within the policies. People are invited to read the revised draft policies and to complete a survey.


A public meeting to discuss the glucose monitoring devices policy will also take place at the NHS Wesham Offices in Derby Road (PR4 3FG), from 6pm to 8pm, to discuss the glucose monitoring policy. The meeting will be open to all residents of Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre.

Dr Tony Naughton, a Thornton GP who is also clinical chief officer for NHS Fylde and Wyre CCG, said: “We need to ensure this is done in an open, fair and transparent way while also taking into account the limited resources we have.

“A key role for the CCGs is to develop clinical policies that help us make decisions about the use of those limited resources.

“I would encourage any resident with an interest in these policies to visit the CCG websites and have their say. I also encourage residents to attend the public events when they are finalised.”

People living in Fylde and Wyre can complete the survey by visiting

If you wish to attend the event on 5 June, please email [email protected]



Don’t be a victim of PJ paralysis


Health staff at Blackpool Victoria Hospital are urging patients to get up, get dressed and get moving to end ‘PJ paralysis’.

And they are appealing to relatives, friends and carers of patients to support them by bringing in a daily supply of fresh clothing to help people get out of bed.

Patients in hospital normally stay in their pyjamas or hospital gown until they are discharged. The goal of the #endPJparalysis initiative is to get patients up, dressed and moving which will help to reduce harm, enhance dignity and promote a speedier recovery.

Ten days in a hospital bed can age the musculoskeletal system of a frail patient by about 10 years. Bedrest can decrease muscle strength by two to five percent a day causing muscle shortening, changes in joint structure and marked loss of leg strength which will seriously limit mobility.

While patients of all ages can benefit from being more active, it’s particularly important for older people.

Staff at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals want to see more patients getting up and in their day clothes which is why they are appealing for the help of relatives, friends and carers to bring in day wear so patients can get out of bed.


Karen Smith, Clinical Improvement Lead Nurse, said: “There’s sometimes an assumption that when you’re in hospital you should be in your pyjamas or nightwear all the time, but that’s just not the case.

“Many of our patients do not want to spend any longer in hospital than is absolutely necessary so it is vital that our staff do everything they can to encourage and help patients get out of bed and get dressed.”

Caroline Costello, Enhanced recovery nurse added: “Obviously there are certain patients who are unable to get dressed during the day, patients undergoing a procedure, those with surgical wounds or those for whom getting dressed would be uncomfortable etc. however all patients who can get out of bed will be encouraged and helped to do so.

“Getting up, dressed and active helps promote independence, but we need the support of friends, relatives and carers to help us to help them,” Caroline added.

To find out more about the initiative, talk to members of the clinical improvement team who will be on the Mezzanine Floor in the Main Entrance of Blackpool Victoria Hospital on July 13th and 14th.



Free wifi at all Fylde coast GP surgeries and hospitals


People living across the Fylde coast can now access free wifi while waiting to see their doctor or visiting the hospital.

Wifi has been installed to give patients the opportunity to browse the web while they wait for appointments, via their smartphone, tablet or laptop.

While waiting for an appointment, patients can now access and download health apps, browse webpages and look up health and care information for free.

The Fylde Coast Directory of Services (FYi Directory) is displayed as the first website once connected. The website has been developed for people to find out more information about the health and social care services in their area.

Speaking on behalf of the Fylde coast NHS, Dr Tony Naughton, clinical chief officer at NHS Fylde and Wyre CCG, said: “When talking to patients about how to improve their experiences in GP waiting rooms, many people have suggested free internet.

“Free access to the internet and to the FYi Directory will help patients see what other services are available, as well as how, when and where they can access them.


“The NHS IT team have worked hard to make sure that patients have access to high quality wifi across the area and we believe it will improve people’s experience of healthcare.”

Implementation of the wireless internet network is part of an initiative to improve the use of online technology in the NHS. The wifi is now live across all GP surgeries and at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals for patients to use.

Pete Kelly, head of IT for the Fylde coast NHS, said: “The free wifi is one of many projects the NHS IT team have for digital healthcare. We want people to be able to interact with health and social care services at home and while waiting for an appointment.

“There is a positive environmental impact with internet use. It enables less paper to be used for printing and people will be able to save webpages and relevant information on their personal devices.”

The introduction of free wifi across the Fylde coast is just one of a number of advancements in technology across GP practices. All practices have recently had a TV screen installed to display health information messages and also electronic check-in stations have been set up across all practices.



Opening times for Easter


People living in Fylde and Wyre are urged to be ready for Easter by planning ahead and being aware of where to go over the Easter bank holidays and using NHS services appropriately.

The Easter holiday period can be a very busy time for NHS services. GP surgeries will be closed during the Easter weekend, including Good Friday (Friday 30 March) and Easter Monday (Monday 2 April). By re-stocking their medicine cabinets if needed, knowing when their GP surgery is open and planning ahead for any necessary repeat prescriptions, people can ensure they make the most of the Easter holiday.

It is also worth checking your general medicine cabinet prior to the Bank holiday to make sure it is well stocked with essentials such as paracetamol, cough and cold remedies, antihistamines and plasters and bandages. These can all be bought cheaply from supermarkets or pharmacies and your local pharmacist can also provide free, confidential, expert advice and treatment for a variety of common complaints

Pharmacists are highly trained professionals with a wealth of knowledge of how to deal with common ailments that are prevalent at this time of year. Illnesses such as coughs, colds, stomach bugs, indigestion or hangovers can all be dealt with simple remedies bought over the counter with advice from the pharmacist.

Speaking on behalf of NHS Blackpool and NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Groups, Dr John Calvert, a Blackpool GP and clinical advisor at NHS Blackpool Clinical Commissioning Group said: “People who attend the accident and emergency department with minor ailments could face a lengthy wait to be seen whilst staff prioritise the serious and life-threatening emergencies. Many people could be better off visiting a pharmacist or looking after themselves at home.

“The other services such as the Walk-In and Same-Day Health Centres should be kept free for those who are in need of treatment for an urgent complaint.

“Anyone who is feeling unwell and isn’t sure what they should do can always ring 111 for help and advice on where to go and who to see.”

The Walk-In Centre on Whitegate Drive in Blackpool will be open from 8am to 8pm every day through-out the Easter period, including bank holidays with some extra provision. The Same Day Health Centre in Fleetwood will be open from 8am to 8pm everyday through-out the Easter break, including bank holidays. Please call 0300 123 1144 to book an appointment at the Same Day Health Centre before visiting.

Additionally in Blackpool the North West Ambulance Service and Blackpool’s Community Nursing Team will be offering Blackpool’s Night Safe Haven Easter Weekend on Good Friday and Easter Saturday. The service offers refuge and support for late night revellers enjoying a night out in the town. They will be in the town centre in the Safe Haven bus between 9.30pm and 3.30am.


GPs will be open as usual except on the Easter bank holidays (Good Friday and Easter Monday).

On Good Friday the following pharmacies will be open:

  • Fylde
    • Boots, 64-66 Clifton Street, Lytham St Annes, 9am – 5.30pm
    • Lloyds Pharmacy, St. Andrews Road North, St Annes, 9am – 7pm[/column][column]
  • Wyre
    • ASDA Pharmacy, Dock Street, Fleetwood, 9am – 6pm
    • Boots, 39 Victoria Road West, Cleveleys, 9am – 5.30pm
    • WM Morrisons Pharmacy, Amounderness Way, Thornton, 10am-6pm
  • Blackpool
    • Boots UK, 28-38 Bank Hey Street, 9am – 5.30pm
    • Lloyds Pharmacy, 110 Talbot Road, 11am – 4pm
    • Lloyds Pharmacy, Sainsbury’s Store, 9am – 7pm
    • Tesco Pharmacy, Tesco Extra, 9am – 6pm
    • Morrison’s Pharmacy, Morrison Supermarket, 10am – 4pm
    • Whitegate Pharmacy, Whitegate Health Centre, 8am – 9pm

On Easter Sunday, the following pharmacies will be open:

  • Fylde
    • Boots, 64-66 Clifton Street, Lytham St Annes, 11am – 2pm
    • Wesham Pharmacy, 22 Station Road, Wesham, 10am – 1pm
  • Wyre
    • O’Briens Pharmacy, Fleetwood Health & Wellbeing Centre, Dock Street, Fleetwood, 9am – 8pm
  • Blackpool
    • Whitegate Pharmacy, Whitegate Health Centre,8am – 9pm
    • Lloyds Pharmacy, 110 Talbot Road, 9am-5.30pm

On Easter Monday the following pharmacies will be open:

  • Fylde
    • Boots, 64-66 Clifton Street, Lytham St Annes, 10am – 4pm
    • Lloyds pharmacy, St. Andrews Road North, St Annes, 9am – 7pm
  • Wyre
    • ASDA Pharmacy, Dock Street, Fleetwood, 9am – 6pm
    • Boots, 39 Victoria Road West, Cleveleys, 10am – 4pm
    • WM Morrisons Pharmacy, Amounderness Way, Thornton, 10am – 4pm
  • Blackpool
    • Boots UK, 28-38 Bank Hey Street, 10am – 5pm
    • Lloyds Pharmacy, 110 Talbot Road, 11am – 4pm
    • Lloyds Pharamcy, J Sainsbury Store, 9am – 7pm
    • MJ Moore Pharmacy, 9am – 5.30pm
    • Tesco Pharmacy, Tesco Extra, 9am – 6pm
    • Morrison’s Pharmacy, Morrison Supermarket, 10am – 4pm
    • Whitegate Pharmacy, Whitegate Health Centre, 8am – 9pm

A full list of Easter opening times for pharmacies and other services across the Fylde Coast is available at



Public meetings arranged to discuss proposed changes to NHS assisted conception policy


People living on the Fylde coast can share their views on proposed changes to the NHS assisted conception services in the area.

The draft policy has been developed as part of work to standardise some NHS services across Lancashire. Consultation will also take place across the other six clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in Lancashire and South Cumbria.

The revised policy proposes CCGs in Lancashire would fund one cycle of IVF treatment for women under 42.

Currently, women under 40 living in the Fylde coast are able to access two cycles of IVF treatment if they meet the criteria outlined in the policy.

NHS bosses have planned two events for people across the area to have their say on the proposed policy.


These will take place on:

  • Thursday 1 March 2018, 5pm to 6.30pm at South Shore Primary Care Centre, Lytham Road, Blackpool.
  • Wednesday 7 March 2018, 6pm to 8pm at NHS Wesham Offices, Derby Road, Wesham.

To book your place at either event, visit

Dr Tony Naughton, clinical chief officer for the NHS Fylde and Wyre CCG said: “We understand these changes could impact on a number of people on the Fylde coast.

“Your input is valuable for us and we look forward to seeing many of you at these events.”

People living in Fylde and Wyre can complete the survey by visiting
