Missed GP appointments cost up to £250k in just one month!


Missed appointments with GPs, practice nurses and other healthcare professionals cost the Fylde coast NHS up to £250,000 last month.

There were 6,893 occasions where people didn’t turn up to their appointment across the region’s 36 practices in December 2017. A missed GP appointment costs on average £36, meaning missed appointments last month could have cost almost £250,000. At current costs, £250,000 could fund:

  • 12 nurses, or
  • 29 heart bypasses, or
  • 45 hip replacements.

The missed appointments also amounted to 1,149 hours of wasted time.

Following the release of this statistic, GPs across the Fylde coast have called on people across the area to cancel any appointments they do not wish to attend.

Dr John Calvert, a Blackpool GP and Clinical Advisor at NHS Blackpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “We know that in this modern age people lead very busy lives and sometimes forget about appointments.

“But missed appointments in general practice cost a great deal of time and money at a time when we are desperately short of both.

“And for those patients who do have an appointment booked that they do not need, someone else could make use of that appointment rather than having to wait.


“All we ask is that if you have an appointment booked and for whatever reason you no longer need it or you can’t make it, please call and let us know so we can give that appointment to somebody else.”

Dr Tony Naughton, from The Thornton Practice, who is clinical chief officer at NHS Fylde and Wyre CCG, said: “What is particularly worrying about these figures is that they are from a month when a lot of practices saw a reduction in DNAs (did not attends) and so actually show a better picture than normal.

“If we take this figure and multiply it to cover the year that is around £3million, which is money that could be much better used elsewhere within the health economy.

“We recognise that it may not always be possible for people to notify their practice they are unable to attend, however we would be grateful if you could make every effort to do so as this will allow another patient to be seen.

“With health services facing high levels of demand this winter, this is one way we can all help to protect the NHS. It only takes a minute to make that call.”

One way people across the Fylde coast can help remind themselves of their GP appointments is by using the MyGP app, which is available for patients at all Fylde coast practices to book and cancel appointments.



Missed GP appointments cost between £12 (for an appointment with a nurse) and £36 each. To work out the cost for a month, the total number of missed appointments (6,893) has been multiplied by 36, which equals £248,148.

Breakdown of figures from December 2017:

Number of DNAs (did not attends) in Fylde and Wyre in December 2017: 2,537

  • Ansdell Medical Centre – 85
  • Ash Tree House Surgery, Kirkham – 123
  • Beechwood Surgery, Thornton – 19
  • Broadway Medical Centre, Fleetwood – 311
  • Clifton Medical Practice, St Annes – 111
  • Fernbank Surgery, Lytham – 108
  • Fleetwood Surgery – 244
  • Holland House Surgery, Lytham – 209
  • Kirkham Health Centre – 97
  • Park Medical Practice, St Annes – 46
  • Poplar House Surgery, St Annes – 170
  • Queensway Surgery, Poulton – 82
  • The Lockwood Surgery, Poulton – 79
  • The Mount View Practice, Fleetwood – 423
  • The Old Links Surgery, St Annes – 13
  • Over Wyre Medical Centre – 177
  • The Thornton Practice – 134
  • The Village Practice – 106

Number of DNAs (did not attends) in Blackpool in December 2017: 4,356

  • Abbey-Dale Medical Centre – 156
  • Adelaide Street Family Practice – 404
  • Arnold Medical Centre – 132
  • Bloomfield Medical Centre – 370
  • Cleveleys Group Practice – 224
  • Elizabeth Street Surgery – 236
  • Glenroyd Medical WGD – 249
  • Grange Park Health Centre – 42
  • Highfield Surgery – 353
  • Layton Medical Centre – 218
  • Marton Medical Practice – 233
  • Newton Drive Health Centre – 120
  • North Shore Surgery – 195
  • South King Street Medical Centre – 199
  • St Paul’s Medical Centre – 365
  • Stonyhill Medical Practice – 405
  • The Crescent Surgery – 174
  • Waterloo Medical Centre – 281

Fylde coast residents urged to Act F.A.S.T. over stroke


People living across the Fylde coast have been urged to ‘Act FAST’ if they suspect a friend or loved one is having a stroke.

It comes as health professionals in the area backed a national campaign to remind people of the main symptoms of stroke and importance of calling 999 immediately.

This week sees the national ‘Act FAST’ stroke campaign re-launched by Public Health England, working closely with the Stroke Association.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the symptoms of stroke and to encourage people who recognise any single one of the symptoms of stroke, in themselves or others, to call 999 immediately.

Stroke kills over 40,000 people a year and leaves around two-thirds of stroke survivors with a disability.

One of the main objectives of the campaign is get people who witness somebody showing stroke symptoms to overcome any initial reluctance to call. They are being asked to ‘Make the Call’ and dial 999.

Research shows that 24% of people would wait to call an ambulance because they wrongly believe that they need to see 2 or more symptoms of stroke to be sure. Other barriers to dialling 999 include feeling that they need permission to act on behalf of others.

Prof Mark O’Donnell, Medical Director at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. said: “NHS stroke care and survival are now at record levels, stroke is very treatable but every minute counts. Knowing when to call 999 when you see any single one of the signs will make a significant difference to someone’s recovery and rehabilitation.

“The F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) acronym has featured in the advertising for a number of years and is a simple test to help people identify the most common signs of a stroke, and to emphasise the importance of acting quickly by calling 999.


“Acting F.A.S.T. as soon as stroke symptoms present themselves can not only save lives but potentially limit long-term effects.

“The sooner somebody who is having a stroke gets urgent medical attention, the better their chances of a good recovery.”

F.A.S.T. teaches people what to look out for in themselves and in others:

  • Face – has their face fallen on one side? Can they smile?
  • Arms – can they raise both arms and keep them there?
  • Speech – is their speech slurred?
  • Time to call 999

There are some of other symptoms that people should be aware of as these may occasionally be due to stroke. These include:

  • Sudden loss of vision or blurred vision in one or both eyes
  • Sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body
  • Sudden memory loss or confusion
  • Sudden dizziness, unsteadiness or a sudden fall, especially with any of the other symptoms

A stroke is a ‘brain attack’, caused by a disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. It’s a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. So recognising the signs of stroke and calling 999 for an ambulance is crucial

Approximately 110,000 people have a stroke each year in England. It is the third largest cause of death, and the largest cause of complex disability; over half of all stroke survivors are left with a disability.

One of the main objectives of the campaign is get people who witness somebody showing stroke symptoms to overcome any initial reluctance to call. They are being asked to ‘Make the Call’ and dial 999.

Act FAST. Make the Call. Dial 999.



Implementation of revised and updated clinical policies


A revised and updated clinical policy on complementary and alternative therapies and a new policy on rehabilitation after damage to the facial nerve have been approved by NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

The policies have been agreed on a Lancashire-wide basis following a public engagement exercise which ensures all patients receive the same level of care wherever they live in the county.


These two clinical policies explain the criteria that must be met in order for these treatments and procedures to be given on the NHS in this area.

GPs and hospital doctors and consultants are required to follow these policies when considering your treatment.

The policies can be found at:


‘Reduce your risk’ of cervical cancer


Women across the Fylde coast have been urged by local health bosses to do their best to prevent cervical cancer.

National charity Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust has today (Monday 22 January 2018) launched Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, with the theme of ‘reduce your risk’.

And doctors across the Fylde coast have joined the call for women in the area to:

  • Attend cervical screening when invited;
  • Know the symptoms of cervical cancer and seek medical advice if experiencing any;
  • Take up the HPV vaccination if aged 11 to 18;
  • Talk to friends and family to ensure they know how they can reduce their risk;
  • Know where to find support and further information.

Thornton GP Dr Felicity Guest, a clinical member of the NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Governing Body, said: “Cervical cancer can be prevented but still nine women are diagnosed with the disease every day in the UK.

“Cervical screening, or the smear test, is one of the best ways a woman can reduce her risk of cervical cancer. It’s free on the NHS, yet in the UK, one out of four women do not attend their screening when invited.


“Being screened regularly means any abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix can be identified at an early stage and, if necessary, treated to stop cancer developing.”

All women who are registered with a GP are invited for cervical screening every three years if they are aged between 25 and 49 and every five years for those between 50 and 64.

And for anyone who struggles to attend an appointment during the day due to work or childcare commitments can book an evening appointment with the extended access service, based in Freckleton, Fleetwood and Whitegate Drive, Blackpool, by calling their GP practice.

According to figures from Cancer Research UK, across Fylde and Wyre last year 76.3 per cent of women aged 25 to 64 attending their cervical screening when required. This means one in four women did not attend their screening.

In Blackpool, the figure stands at 69.8 per cent.

About 3,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year in the UK.

For more information on cervical screening, visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cervical-screening/



Have your say on proposed changes to NHS assisted conception policy


People living across the Fylde coast have been invited to have their say on proposed changes to assisted conception services offered across the county.

The draft policy comes as part of work by the NHS across Lancashire to standardise policies to ensure a consistent and fair approach; update current policies in accordance with National Guidelines and best clinical practice; and to make sure it is using its limited resources to maximum effect.

Along with the other six Lancashire clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), NHS Blackpool and NHS Fylde and Wyre CCGs are now asking the public to let them know what they think of the proposals.

As part of the proposed changes, the revised policy proposes that CCGs in Lancashire would fund one cycle of IVF treatment for women under the age of 42. At present women under 40 across the Fylde coast could receive two cycles of treatment if they meet certain requirements. In Blackpool those aged between 40 and 42 can access one cycle while in Fylde and Wyre this age group has no access.


Full details of the changes can be found within the policy. People are invited to read the revised draft policy on assisted conception and to complete a survey. Public events will take place and details of these will be published as soon as possible.

Dr Tony Naughton, a Thornton GP who is also clinical chief officer for NHS Fylde and Wyre CCG, said: “We need to ensure this is done in an open, fair and transparent way while also taking into account the limited resources we have.

“A key role for the CCGs is to develop clinical policies that help us make decisions about the use of those limited resources.

“I would encourage any resident with an interest in these policies to visit the CCG websites and have their say. I also encourage residents to attend the public events when they are finalised.”

People living in Fylde and Wyre can complete the survey by visiting http://www.fyldeandwyreccg.nhs.uk/your-health/say-clinical-policy-reviews/



Urgent care services on offer across Fylde coast


People living across the Fylde coast are reminded that there are a host of services available to them should they require medical attention.

Following recent improvements to urgent care services in the area, walk-in appointments are now available at both Blackpool Walk-In Centre in Whitegate Drive and the Fleetwood Same Day Health Centre in Dock Street.

These services should be the first port of call for anyone suffering urgent but not life-threatening health problems, such as strains or sprains, suspected broken limbs, minor head injuries, cuts and grazes or bites and stings.

Appointments with healthcare professionals including GPs, nurses and healthcare assistants are also now available in the evenings up until 9.30pm. These can be booked via all GP practices on the Fylde coast.

Local pharmacists are also qualified to deal with many health complaints and can be seen without an appointment.


Anyone unsure of what to do should call the free NHS111 helpline for immediate advice.

Speaking on behalf of the Fylde coast NHS, Fylde coast GP and clinical chief officer at NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Dr Tony Naughton said: “As is often the case at this time of year, our local hospital is experiencing high demand.

“The services in Fleetwood and Whitegate Drive are open every day and can treat people of all ages. They can deal with many of the most common problems people often go to A&E for.

“We would urge everyone to think carefully about where they need to go for health treatment. A&E is for serious problems. People have a wide variety of choices for healthcare and should choose wisely.”

Further details of the urgent care services available can be found at www.whyaande.nhs.uk/urgentcare



Consultation on stopping prescriptions of over-the-counter medicines


People living across the Fylde coast have been urged to have their say on a national consultation which could see prescriptions for over-the-counter medicines such as paracetamol stopped.

Bosses at NHS Clinical Commissioners and NHS England have launched the consultation on proposals for the new policy to stop funding treatments for minor ailments and self-limiting conditions.

The move, which could save up to £136million nationwide, is aimed at encouraging more people to self-care by accessing the medication they need from local supermarkets or pharmacies, rather than relying on a prescription from a GP.

The types of prescriptions affected include items for conditions that will heal or be cured of their own accord or which lend themselves to self-care and the person suffering does not normally need to seek medical advice and can manage the condition by purchasing over-the-counter items.

It would also include items that can be purchased over the counter, sometimes at a lower cost than that which would be incurred by the NHS or for which there is little evidence of clinical effectiveness.


Dr Graham Jackson, co-chair of NHS Clinical Commissioners, said: “It is important we have an honest conversation with the public, patients and clinicians about what the NHS should and can provide with the constrained funds it has available.

“As a part of that, it is right that we review what is currently offered on NHS prescription that is also available over-the-counter so that we can prioritise our spending on those products that are the most clinically effective and provide the best outcomes for patients.”

NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens said: “To do the best for our patients and for taxpayers it’s vital the NHS uses its funding well. This consultation gives the public the opportunity to help family doctors decide how best to deploy precious NHS resources, freeing up money from the drugs bill to reinvest in modern treatments for major conditions such as cancer, mental health and emergency care.”

The full consultation document and details of how to respond can be found at http://www.fyldeandwyreccg.nhs.uk/over-counter-medicines/

The closing date to respond is 14 March 2018.



Full list of items and conditions:

  • Probiotics
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Acute Sore Throat
  • Cold Sores
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Coughs and colds and nasal congestion
  • Cradle Cap (Seborrhoeic dermatitis – infants)
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Infant Colic
  • Mild Cystitis
  • Contact Dermatitis
  • Dandruff
  • Diarrhoea (Adults)
  • Dry Eyes/Sore (tired) Eyes
  • Earwax
  • Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
  • Head Lice
  • Indigestion and Heartburn
  • Infrequent Constipation
  • Infrequent Migraine
  • Insect bites and stings
  • Mild Acne
  • Mild Dry Skin/Sunburn
  • Mild to Moderate Hay fever/Seasonal Rhinitis
  • Minor burns and scalds
  • Minor conditions associated with pain, discomfort and/fever. (e.g. aches and sprains, headache, period pain, back pain)
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Nappy Rash
  • Oral Thrush
  • Prevention of dental caries
  • Ringworm/Athletes foot
  • Teething/Mild toothache
  • Threadworms
  • Travel Sickness
  • Warts and Verrucae

Boost your First Aid skills with the experts


Experts at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are running a series of First Aid courses in 2018 that are open to the public.

Registered with the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB), the one-day courses, costing £50 per person, will run from 9am-4pm with dates in April, June and October next year.

Taking place at Blackpool Victoria Hospital’s award winning Simulation and Skills Centre candidates will, upon completion of the course, be able to better understand the role of the first aider and learn skills such as administering CPR and how to give first aid to casualties who are choking, wounded, bleeding or suffering from shock.

They will also understand the importance of preventing cross infection while providing appropriate assistance for minor injuries.


Attendees will be more confident in assessing situations and circumstances in order to act safely, promptly and effectively in an emergency.

Clare Lloyd-Walden from the Simulation and Skills Centre at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for the general public to develop skills and knowledge and to be able to recognise the importance of emergency first aid especially in the current climate.

“The course is taught by the medical education team who are all senior registered Nurses, utilising recognised, simulated scenarios and state of the art CPR manikins.’’

The courses are being run on April 12, June 19 and October 3, 2018.

For more information, or to register your interest, email Clinical Skills at [email protected] or call 01253 953223.



Important changes to repeat prescriptions

To improve patient safety and reduce the costs from waste medicines, we will soon be unable to accept repeat prescriptions ordered by pharmacies.

Those patients who have a repeat prescription should either order online via Patient Access or directly from the practice. If you wish to order in person, please make sure you keep hold of the right hand side of your prescription slip and hand this in at reception.

If you are affected by this change you will be written to directly. There will be no change to the way you receive your medication.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call 01253 957486.

For more information, click here

Don’t forget your prescription while Christmas shopping


Many people have already started their Christmas shopping but there’s a good chance some will have left one very important item for themselves off their shopping list.

With Christmas fast approaching, local people with long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, lung and heart disease are being reminded not to leave it too late to get their repeat prescriptions.

Many GP practices and pharmacies will be closed on the bank holidays over Christmas and New Year so it is important people check they have enough medication to avoid requiring urgent medical help during the festive period.

Speaking on behalf of the Fylde coast NHS, Dr Neil Hartley-Smith, a Blackpool GP and Clinical Advisor at NHS Blackpool CCG, said: “People with long-term conditions rely on their prescribed medication to help keep their condition under control.

“So if you or a relative have a long-term condition I’d encourage you to check that you have enough medication to see you through the festive period. [/column][column]

“If not, it is important to order more in good time – then you can get on with enjoying the holiday period in good health!”

The easiest way to order a repeat prescription is by going online. Patient Access can be used by everyone on the Fylde coast to request their medication from the comfort of their home, by using a computer or with a mobile phone or tablet.

Patient Access can also be used to book an appointment with a GP and to view medical records. For more information and to register, visit www.patient-access.co.uk

Now is also a good time to double check that home medicine cabinets are well stocked with over-the-counter remedies so that minor illnesses and injuries can be managed at home during the festive period.

If you do need medical advice for a minor ailment during the festive period, pharmacies can provide free, expert advice without the need for an appointment. You can also download some self care fact sheets here: http://whyaande.nhs.uk/why-ae/self-care/self-care-information/
